Empirical Data on Annulment of International Awards: What to learn from it? ArbDossier.com and Beyond

On March 6, 2023, the Center for Transnational Litigation, Arbitration, and Commercial Law will host an in-person seminar entitled “Empirical Data on Annulment of International Awards: What to learn from it? ArbDossier.com and Beyond”. The seminar, aimed at both scholars and practitioners, will survey recent initiatives (including ArbDossier) relating to the collection of data on the annulment  of international awards in different jurisdictions, including China, India, Italy, and Singapore, and examine the role this data may play, if any, in the selection of the seat of arbitration. The seminar will also address the question of whether the data may be used to qualify a jurisdiction as an arbitration-friendly one and, if so, what implications this qualification may have.
The seminar will feature Dr. Monique Sasson (a former scholar-in-residence at the Center), Marco Seregni (an Italian lawyer enrolled in our LL.M. program), Bojana Bilankov (a graduate student in out IBRLA LL.M. program and editor-in-chief of ArbDossier), Murtuza Federal (the founder of the Indian firm Federal & Company), Gautam Bhattacharyya (a partner at Reed Smith LLP, operating out of London and Singapore), and Devarsh Saraf (a graduate student at Columbia Law School), the co-founder of www.ArbDossier.com.

For more info, please see the attached flyer.