Google has temporarily disabled Google Maps features in Ukraine that provide live information about how busy roads and places are following the recent invasion of Russian forces.

A Virginia court refused to issue a geofence warrant, finding the warrant would be unconstitutional, as applied. The court held that the search warrant application, sought in relation to a shooting investigation, lacked sufficient probable cause and particularity to satisfy the demands of the Fourth Amendment.

The Irish data protection commissioner is seeking to suspend Meta data transfers from the European Union to the United States. This move comes after the existing transatlantic transfer pact was blocked by the European Union Court of Justice due to inadequate security protections of personal data once transferred to the United States.

In his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden called on Congress to strengthen online privacy protections for children, criticizing social media’s targeted advertising of children and widespread collection and use of children’s personal data.

The U.S. Senate has passed a major cybersecurity bill, the Strengthening American Cybersecurity Act. The bill, which has yet to be reviewed and passed by the House, would require critical infrastructure companies to report ransomware payments, cyberattacks, and data breaches.

Keller Lenkner, a Chicago-based law firm, is bankrolling customers bringing tens of thousands of arbitration claims against TurboTax-maker Intuit. The strategy is, in part, a response to a recent unsuccessful class action against Intuit, which had steered customers away from the Free File product developed in partnership with the IRS and toward a “Free Edition” of TurboTax that charged some users fees. 

(Compiled by Student Fellow Lorna Mosher)